In most cases, you’d be rightly relieved if a pain in your body faded. That’s just common sense – the end to your discomfort means no more suffering. Still, the situation is a bit tricker when a toothache disappears suddenly or without question. This vanishing act often points to a severe health issue that needs your attention. As for the details, just keep reading to learn why disappearing toothaches are a big deal and how best to respond to them.
A “Disappeared” Toothache is Serious
It certainly feels good (at first) when a toothache just disappears. However, that sudden end to your pain could point to a bigger problem.
You see, a toothache is often your body’s warning that you have an infection. The pain comes from your tooth’s irritated pulp – its sensitive inner area – sending special signals to your brain. When or if the ache suddenly vanishes, the pulp and its nerves have likely died. That means your infection has gotten worse and begun to spread further, with harmful bacteria reaching places they hadn’t before.
Put another way, a sudden end to your tooth pain shouldn’t be a relief. It should leave you worried that your smile is now in worse shape.
What Happens If You Ignore It?
The infection that caused your toothache won’t fade on its own. Left to itself, it’ll advance and lead to other issues for your body.
In particular, an untreated tooth infection can severely harm your physical health. It’ll likely travel to your jawbone and cause new pain, bone erosion, and tooth loss. From there, it’d reach other body parts and trigger symptoms like nausea, fever, vomiting, and more. The worst-case scenario is that you develop sepsis – a deadly condition that occurs when your body overreacts to an infection.
Clearly, it’s not a good idea to ignore your “disappeared” toothache. You should see a dental provider for proper treatment.
How Could a Dentist Help Out?
Even when a tooth infection is severe, a dentist can often treat it effectively. They’d rid you of both your pain and the threat to your smile.
If the tooth can be saved, a dentist will usually perform a root canal. This procedure removes the infected pulp, cleans and fills the vacated area, and seals the affected tooth. Later, the dentist will place a new crown atop your pearly white to fully restore it.
Remember that a disappearing toothache isn’t always good news. If or when you have one, see your local dentist for help!
About the Practice
Led by Dr. Justin Geller, we at JMG Dentistry Family and Cosmetic Care always aim to give patients their dream smiles. That means we offer preventive, cosmetic, and restorative treatments, all tailored to your unique mouth and its specific oral needs. Our team is also ready and well-prepared to handle all sorts of dental emergencies! For more details or to book a visit, please reach us on our website or by phone at (248)-926-4030.